New Line of Mercury (Hg) Analyzers

31 Jan 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Teledyne Leeman Labs has announced the availability of a new line of advanced mercury analyzers referred to as the Hydra II.

The Hydra II line of mercury analyzers advances the performance, sample analysis throughput and operational simplicity benchmarks that were previously established by the company’s Hydra Series.

The Hydra II employs an innovative “integrated modular” design architecture that provides an unprecedented level of configuration flexibility. This translates into the ability for the system to be configured to conduct the analysis of liquids by sample digestion followed by cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA), or cold vapor atomic fluorescence (CVAF), as well as the direct analysis of solid or semi-solid sample matrices through the use of thermal decomposition followed by cold vapor atomic absorption. Conversion from one analysis technique to another is not only very easy to do in the lab but cost effective as well. If analysis requirements change, the system can be re-configured to accommodate them.

Hydra II Mercury Analyzers offer innovative capabilities such as: “over-range” protection to minimize or eliminate the possibility of system contamination due to unexpectedly high level mercury in the sample which could lead to time consuming and expensive unplanned downtime, “on the fly” sample analysis without interrupting an automated sample sequence which is very important when urgent samples arrive or an over-range sample has to be diluted and re-analyzed and the ability to measure a sample with multiple replicates in less than a minute for improved accuracy and confidence in the results.

Hydra II Mercury Analyzers have been designed and tested to meet or exceed the requirements of all “standard” analysis methods for mercury in water, wastewater and sludge developed or promulgated by the U.S. EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency) and CEN (Comité Européen Standardisation).

