New LineGene 9600 Real Time Thermal Cycler with Fiber Optic Technology from Alpha Laboratories

9 Oct 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

The new Bioer LineGene 9600 series of instruments, now available from Alpha Laboratories, provides the latest in Real Time PCR systems, using advanced Ferrotec Peltier, fiber optic technology. With a larger sample capacity, more detection channels and wider temperature range it provides an excellent solution for scientific research and clinical applications.

LineGene 9600 instruments offer precise quantification for performing high-throughput real time PCR reactions with volumes as low as 5µl. The systems incorporate easy-to-use and intuitive software, allowing experiments to be set up and analyzed with minimal effort.

The high optical performance with a revolutionary detection module and a long-lasting LED ensures precise quantification of targets. An open platform allows different chemistries to be used with detection wavelengths between 500-800nm.

Line Gene 9600 brings time saving benefits. The gradient functionality with a temperature span of 36C speeds up assay optimization. The patented block dissipation technology and fast scanning modules give rapid results.

Fitting easily into any laboratory all LineGene 9600 models feature a small footprint that’s helpful when space is limited. The adaptable configuration with USB and optional Bluetooth facilities provide unlimited file storage and flexible communication.

