New media preparation & dispensing products take centre stage

7 Mar 2006

Integra Biosciences ( has announced a series of new products, options and applications solutions will premiere at the forthcoming Analytica exhibition in Munich, Germany (25th-28th April 2006).

Visitors to Stand 505 (Hall B1) will be able to see a new version of the internationally popular MEDIACLAVE - a highly safe and economical system for sterile preparation of media from 1 to 9 litres. The new system offers complete control and recording of all process parameters to guarantee a consistent validatable GLP record. Operated in conjunction with INTEGRA's recently launched MEDIAJET automated media filling system - up to 540 standard sized agar plates can be conveniently and cost effectively prepared in less than 2.5 hours. Extending the versatility of the MEDIAJET - a new option for dispensing of liquid broth into tubes will also be displayed.

For laboratories looking safe, easy and rapid aspiration of biohazardous liquids technical staff will be on hand to demonstrate the popular VACUSAFE comfort system. Incorporating pump unit, waste collection bottle, tubing and VACUBOY hand operator in an all-in-one compact instrument the VACUSAFE comfort is a highly safe vacuum system that readily fits below all commercially available Laminar Flow Cabinets.

At this important meeting, INTEGRA Biosciences will also be showing and demonstrating its comprehensive and expanding range of liquid handling products. For laboratories tasked with sterilisation and sample heating applications requiring precision, flexibility and high operational safety INTEGRA Biosciences will exhibit its Fireboy range of mobile Bunsen burners.

For further information on these innovative Labtools please contact INTEGRA Biosciences.

