New Micro-well Slides from Hamamatsu

11 Jun 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Hamamatsu Photonics introduce the A10657 range of micro-well microscope slides. As world experts in optical detection technologies, Hamamatsu has great experience in fabrication of scientific grade, glass products and originally developed the micro-well slide for use with the C9413 fluorescence correlation spectroscopy instrument (FCS).

The micro-well slide consists of 21 individual wells (3 in row and 7 in line) in the shape of a conventional microscope slide glass, making it suitable for regular microscopy or biochemistry experimental use. The cover glass is bonded to the bottom of the slide glass and produces lower background than any plastic container for any fluorescence application. The bottom cover glass is of high optical quality and allows measurement with an inverted microscope; it is also well matched for use with a water immersion objective lens. The working volume of one well is 25 µl, ideal for conserving samples or reagents.

This new product can be a useful aid in many life science, drug discovery, biotechnology and pharmacological research applications.

