New Microwave Synthesis System for Low-Temperature Chemistries

19 Jun 2006

Experience the benefits of increased speed and greater yields, while performing low to room temperature chemistries!

Discover® CoolMate™ is the first microwave system designed to perform sub-ambient temperature chemistries including the formation of carbanions and other highly reactive intermediates, as well as carbohydrate chemistry, easily and controllably.

CoolMate is the ideal solution for affecting stereochemical outcomes. With the addition of the CoolMate module, the Discover line of Focused™ Microwave Synthesis instruments now extends the use of
microwave energy to cover the full spectrum of synthetic chemistry.

The system also allows the safe use of highly reactive species, which would normally be excluded when using a microwave system. The system's proprietary, jacketed, low-temperature vessel and cooling technology keep the bulk temperature of the reactants low, preventing thermal degradation of the product while microwave energy drives the reaction kinetically. Measurement of the actual temperature is accomplished with an in situ fiber-optic probe placed directly into the reaction mixture to insure fast, accurate, and convenient reaction feedback control.

