New Monochromator with Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors Offers High Brightness Over a Board Spectral Range

18 Nov 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

The new Model 207A from McPherson is a 670mm focal length optically fast f4.7 monochromator which is now available with off-axis parabolic optics. The off-axis parabolic (OAP) mirrors provide both low f/number and stigmatic monochromator performance. Stigmatic monochromators are somewhat exotic because so many other monochromator designs use spherical optics and exhibit astigmatism to some degree.

The Model 207A with OAP optics provides coincident sagittal and tangential foci and perfect collimation and focusing. These highly polished OAP mirrors with smooth surfaces are especially suitable for work in the deep UV and vacuum region. The Model 207A preserves high brightness with no chromatic aberrations.

Other features include Snap-In™ diffraction gratings optimized for spectral resolution and/or for wavelength range coverage. For CCDs, an accessible 50-millimeter wide focal plane, precise and durable slits for coupling free-space or fiber optic signals.

Researchers that need versatile high brightness as a tunable light source for diagnostic or analytical spectroscopy in the life sciences use the Model 207A. Consult McPherson and we will help make sure the spectrometer is ready for implementation in your specific application.

