New MRI CryoProbe™ Delivers Highest Sensitivity in Rat Brain <i>in vivo</i> Imaging
11 May 2014
Advanced MRI coil technology will drive new high resolution applications in small animal neuroimaging
At the joint ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014 meeting, Bruker today announced a new Phased Array MRI CryoProbe™ for in vivo neuroimaging that delivers unparalleled access to rat brain microstructure and biochemistry, previously unresolvable in in vivo imaging of the rat. The sensitivity increase by up to a factor of 2.4 allows researchers to reduce imaging times by a factor of 5, or to increase spatial resolution.
The 400 MHz Phased Array MRI CryoProbe is based on cryogenically-cooled, 4 channel array, RF coil technology that provides a combination of high sensitivity imaging and parallel acquisition capabilities for maximum imaging speed and highest spatial resolution in 9.4 Tesla BioSpec® systems. This cutting-edge technology provides unrivaled delineation of key information directly relevant to the early diagnosis of diseases, based on the in vivo detection of microscopic anatomical and functional abnormalities in small animals.
Benefiting from automatic selection, the probe integrates seamlessly with Bruker’s ParaVision® 6 software, opening up a vast world of imaging protocols and experimental capabilities to the preclinical imaging researcher. Thanks to hardware recognition, and automatic tuning and matching for optimum performance and productivity, the Phased Array MRI CryoProbe is suited to routine imaging environments. The corresponding CryoPlatform supplies cold Helium gas via a closed loop circuit, eliminating any need for handling of cryogens. The patented temperature shielding technology guarantees safe operation and optimal performance.
Dr. Wolfgang Weber-Fahr, PI of the Translational Imaging Group at ZI Mannheim, commented: “We are very excited to work with this new Phased Array MRI CryoProbe technology and will benefit from the multi-channel array technology that it uses. This will allow us to push the boundaries of what is possible with MRI and MRS in rat imaging in the years to come. The close collaboration with Bruker will allow us to remain state-of-the-art with our MR hardware and software, and to explore novel preclinical imaging technologies.”
Dr. Wulf Jung, President of Bruker BioSpin’s Preclinical Imaging Division, added: “We are pleased to take this important next step in MRI CryoProbe preclinical technology, now extended to rat brain imaging. Having already proven an exceptional success in neuro and cardio preclinical imaging of mice applications, we are looking forward to seeing more benefits from this novel technology, as it brings new insights into neurodegenerative disease in rat models, beyond what is possible today.”
Bruker is the pioneer and world leader in the development of cryogenically-cooled probes for high-resolution NMR, with over 1300 units sold worldwide in the last ten years. That expertise and foresight has been transferred successfully to the MRI CryoProbe, and in just the last few years, around 60 of these unique MRI coils have been successfully installed around the world.