New Multi-Stage Stack Dust Sampler

19 Jul 2007

Quantitech is delighted to announce the launch of a new stack dust sampling device from sampling equipment specialists TCR Tecora.

Developed for low range dust sampling operations by the manual gravimetric method, the ‘Multi Stage Stack Impactor’ (MSSI) is able to collect dust in three fractions.

Firstly, a filter collects particles above 10 microns, a subsequent filter collects particles over 2.5 microns and a third filter collects any remaining particulate. As a result, it is possible to determine PM10 (less than 10 microns) and PM2.5 (less than 2.5 microns) that contribute to dust concentrations in ambient air.

Quantitech Director Dominic Duggan believes that the MSSI will be a unique addition to the stack sampling market, adding “The MSSI will enable process operators to gain much more detailed and accurate information on stack emissions. This will benefit both regulators and process operators with low dust concentration emissions (less than 50 mg/m3).”

The MSSI is designed to meet the requirements of EN13284-1, VDI2066 part 10 and is described in EN ISO 23210, which is currently being circulated for comment. The impactor is used as part of an isokinetic sampling system.

Three binder-free quartz filters collect the respective dust fractions from a high sampling flow rate of around 3m3/hr which reduces sampling time.

