New NIR References from Starna

12 Apr 2007

Unique new Certified Reference Materials for the Near Infra Red (NIR) region of the spectrum are now available from Starna. The NIR region, largely neglected by analysts for many years, has recently found new and important applications, particularly in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

The verification of the wavelength scale is particularly important in the NIR, where small wavelength errors can be spectroscopically significant. Unfortunately, convenient reference materials have been hard to come by, either because they have too few peaks across the region or require the use of volatile solvents, like methylene chloride, in a short path cell - the current Euro Pharm 5 procedure provides only 3 peaks across the region. Primary materials are available from National Reference laboratories, but are expensive for routine laboratory use.

The new Starna NIR reference provides 13 certified and traceable peak values using a new material developed at Starna's Technical Division, Starna Scientific. This new member of Starna's catalogue of heat-sealed traceable liquid CRM's also comes in a unique format. In one orientation it can be used as a 10mm path length transmittance reference, and when rotated by 90 degrees becomes a 5mm transflectance (T*) reference - in this orientation the rear cell window has a reflective coating. All Starna references are produced in an ISO Guide 34/ISO 17025 accredited environment, fully satisfying ILAC guidelines.

