New One-Dimensional Fast Detector for X-Ray Diffractometers Designed for High-Sensitivity Analysis and High-Speed Measurement

3 Mar 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has released the FD-1001 1-D high-speed detector for use with its XRD-6100/7000 X-ray diffractometers. The FD-1001 achieves high-sensitivity analysis, more than 100 times higher than scintillation detectors.

The silicon detector features 1,280 channels, which enables a wide range of diffraction angles to be measured at once for higher throughput. By using specified diffraction peaks, the FD-1001 is also useful for quantitative and stress analysis.

Three measurement modes

With the FD-1001, quantitative analysis is performed with one of three measurement modes: high-resolution, standard and fast. Compared to scintillation detectors, the FD-1001 can perform high-speed measurement 10 times faster in high-resolution mode, 15 times faster in standard mode, and 25 times faster in fast mode.

Enhances operation efficiency

The FD-1001’s state-of-the-art user interface and measurement software enhance operational efficiency for users. The software features a loading and editing window for analysis condition files, machine status and analytical progress displays, as well as an analysis condition registration window. Users can customize the arrangement of the display on screen for easier analysis.

