New Perfusion System for Cell Isolation

7 Sept 2006

The PSCI Perfusion System has been specifically created to meet the needs of individuals who wish to isolate primary cells from mouse, rat or guinea pig organs by disintegration using protease solution.

The system can be configured for either In Situ or Ex Vivo organ perfusion. A special version is available for cardiomyocyte isolation.

The PSCI is simple to setup, operate and maintain. Its compact design minimizes the bench space required for the system. The wetted components of the perfusion circuit can be flushed with a 70% ethanol solution for sterilization purposes.

Ex Vivo organ chambers can be flushed with Carbogen during perfusion to minimize bacterial contamination. Low system perfusate deadspace volumes of just 3 ml (mouse systems) or 5 ml (rat systems).

Systems available with flow rate range from: 0-50 ml/min and 0-100 ml/min. There are four models from which to choose: PSCI-M or PSCI-R for mouse or rat/guinea pig In Situ and Ex Vivo organ perfusion or, alternatively, PSCI-MH, PSCI-RH for mouse heart or rat/guinea pig heart perfusion.

