New pH- and ORP-Electrodes from WTW, Germany

1 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

WTW continued its process to improve the support the various laboratory applications of their customers with new pH and ORP electrodes.

Eight new electrodes complete the program of the well known SenTix® series. For pH measurement there is a micro electrode called SenTix® Mic-D/…B with a shaft diameter of only 3 mm with platinum junction and fixed cable, a robust maintenance free gel filled glass electrode SenTix® RJS with ATC, a pH sensor with ground joint and ATC (SenTix® HWS) and a 425 mm (16.7 inch) long pH electrode SenTix® L with liquid electrolyte, platinum junction and ATC. The three last mentioned electrodes have the so-called SMEK head. For this an appropriate cable is available. The connection is not only waterproof according IP 67, but also provides an excellent signal transfer. The new range of sensors is completed by a pH-half cell, SenTix® pH, and two new references. The conventional is the SenTix® R, it has a platinum wire junction, SenTix® B has a double electrolyte system and a ground joint junction. This allows special setups for difficult samples.

Three new ORP sensors are available: The SenTix® PtR, is a gel-filled, low maintenance electrode with glass shaft. It is especially suited for polluted samples. An alternative to platinum provide SenTix® Ag and SenTix® Au with silver respectively gold elctrodes. SenTix® Ag plays its major role with argentometry but is also capable of measuring low soluble silver compounds. Gold is used in strongly oxidizing samples without the presence of chloride.

