New Photovoltaic Detector Offers High-Speed Compound Analysis

17 Jan 2017
Mia Harley

Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. has developed an uncooled InAsSb (indium arsenide antimonide) photovoltaic detector that offers high-speed and high-sensitivity detection of infrared light in the 3 to 11 micron wavelength range.

This new device, part number P13894-011MA, extends the upper limit of sensitivity of Hamamatsu’s InAsSb detectors from 8 microns to 11 microns, which will enable users to measure molecules that absorb longer wavelengths of light and therefore analyze more compounds with a single device. The P13894-011MA is now available to manufacturers of environmental monitoring systems.

This new product will be introduced by Hamamatsu at Booth 1412, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, California from January 31 to February 2 2017.

