New Porous Materials Analyzers Showcased at Pittcon

2 Mar 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Quantachrome Instruments will showcase its new instruments at the upcoming Pittcon 2012 Expo in Orlando, Florida, March 12-15. Three new instruments representing two brand new product lines of interest to the porous materials community will be on display at booth #2531.

Quantachrome's two new product lines represent state-of-the-art development in porous materials characterization. The first, the new WAVE series, is a patent-pending first in electronic means of measuring pore size and porosity - technology that has not been available until now. These small tabletop units offer very rapid testing of porous materials without the usual encumbrances of gases, vacuum systems, liquefied gases, mercury, and the like, normally associated with pore size measurements. Pittcon 2012 will be the very first opportunity that the science public will have to view the small (its footprint is smaller than a letter sized piece of paper, 8.5" x 11") - WAVE 1905 Rapid Porosity Analyzer.

The second new series will be of interest to those in the energy and environmental sectors. Named the iSorb, these new instruments will perfectly complement Quantachrome's existing line of gas sorption analyzers such as the Autosorb-iQ, the Quadrasorb-SI and the NOVA surface area and pore size analyzers. Exact details and full specifications will only be available after Pittcon starts! Quantachrome's Director of Business Development, Dr Martin Thomas, says "Pittcon is still a very valuable launch venue for new products. We've fully pre-announced one product line on our website prior to the Orlando show, the very different WAVE analyzers, but Pittcon will offer the first public showing and working demo of the WAVE 1905. The other instrument will be revealed for the very first time at Pittcon. March 12 is our official launch date for this important new product line, and full details will be available first to visitors to our booth at Pittcon and online shortly afterwards."

Quantachrome's new products will be supported by displays of existing products such as the aforementioned Autosorb-iQ - a dual sample micropore analyzer with added chemisorption capability, NOVA - a four sample BET surface area analyzer, the Aquadyne DVS-2 dual sample water vapor sorption analyzer, the Pentapyc 5200e five-sample density analyzer and last year's huge hit the Porometer 3G - a rapid pore size analyzer for membrane filters including hollow fiber membranes. Quantachrome staff will be on-hand throughout the Pittcon week during expo hours to answer questions about any of Quantachrome's products including those not physically present at this year's Expo.

