New ProcessLab Atline Analyzer from Metrohm

17 Dec 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Metrohm ProcessLab is a new atline analyzer continuing the success of the Titrando range of laboratory titrators. The system uses well established hardware and software, including the Titrando titrator and tiamo™ software.

Advantages to the process industry

  • The industrial PC and I/O controller for sending information to process control systems
  • ProcessLab can be used at several different points in the manufacturing process

The system will automatically determine pH, acid value and salt content.

ProcessLab can be equipped with a high-speed homogenizer for the dissolution of solid samples; it can also supply hot water to help dissolve powders, like instant soups. Typical parameters for these are pH, acid value, chloride content as well as vitamin C concentration.

All of these analyses are carried out by ProcessLab without operator intervention and results are relayed to the process controller so remedial action can be taken or pass / failure for product quality can be automated.
