New Products for Cell Culture and Scale Up from Corning Life Sciences

24 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Visit Corning at Biotechnica Hall 9 Booth A04 to see their range of new products for Cell Culture and Bioprocesses.

Corning® HYPERFlask™ Cell Culture Vessels

The novel Corning HYPERFlask offers 1720 cm2 growth area in the footprint of a traditional 175 cm2 flask. This high yield, high performance flask utilises a multilayered gas permeable growing surface for efficient gas exchange.

Corning's new multilayered HYPERFlask has ten gas permeable growth surfaces with a combined growth area of approximately ten 175 cm2 flasks.

Corning® Low Profile 100 cm2 Flask – Grow More Cells in Less Space!

Corning's new Low Profile 100 cm2 flask design frees up incubator space and gives you more cells with less subculturing. Three Corning Low Profile flasks can grow as many cells as four 75 cm2 flasks in half the incubator space.

Cell culture is easier with Corning Low Profile 100 cm2 flasks:
• Easier on space – 33% more cells per low profile flask can double the number of cells per incubator
• Easier growing – Corning CellBIND® Surface gives optimum cell attachment for higher yields
• Easier working – more cells/flask reduces number of flasks needed

