New Products Released at the European Workshop on Laser Ablation

18 Jun 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Photon Machines and CETAC introduce the Excite Pharos FS, a unique, turn-key femtosecond laser ablation system for ICP-MS and noble gas mass spectrometry that is both rugged and compact.

"Our scientists and engineers have been driving cutting edge innovation in laser ablation since 1996, the Excite Pharos FS is another in a long line of firsts for us. " said Steve Shuttleworth, Director of Sales and Marketing at Photon Machines. "This third generation femtosecond laser ablation system follows other femtosecond firsts such as the first fully integrated UV femtosecond system introduced in 2006. The Excite Pharos FS will take femtosecond laser ablation to the next level as its rugged user friendly design will ensure that users can get the most productivity out of their femtosecond laser ablation system. With pulse energies up to 2mJ per shot, and wavelengths down to 206nm we expect the Excite Pharos FS to expand the scope of laser ablation considerably."

Photon Machines and CETAC also introduce the expanded capability HelEx 2-volume cell. Based on technologies originally developed by ANU, the new HelEx cell features active flow control for fully optimized sample washout, 'squid'’ aerosol smoothing, the option of either 100 mm by 100 mm or the largest 2-volume cell capacity (155 mm by 155 mm), and the fastest washout (0.1 % in <1 second). Damon Green, CETAC’s Spectroscopy Business Manager said: "Engineering this cell for the full range of Photon Machines products as well as for the CETAC LSX213 G2 solid state laser system means that our customers can expect the best possible analytical data whatever their budget."

Photon Machines and CETAC will be attending both the European Workshop on Laser Ablation in Gijon, Spain (June 18th – 22nd) and the Goldschmidt Conference in Montreal (June 24th – 29th) where attendees are welcome to put any questions they may have about laser ablation to one of their specialists.

