New Promega GoTaq qPCR Master Mix Excels in Sensitivity and Stability

2 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Now real-time PCR methods can detect even smaller changes and rare events with the new Promega GoTaq qPCR Master Mix. The new GoTaq qPCR Master Mix frequently delivers earlier cycle thresholds than SYBR® Green I. The advanced functionality gives scientists both increased reliability and reproducibility compared to the performance of existing real-time reagent systems.

The GoTaq qPCR sensitivity comes from a novel fluorescent dye that gives a brighter signal upon binding to double-stranded DNA than SYBR Green I and is more resistant to inhibitors. That means high performance even with low expression targets.

Stability Facilitates Automation
GoTaq qPCR Master Mix offers enhanced stability at ambient and elevated temperatures, making it ideal for automated applications. After 24 hours at ambient temperature, GoTaq qPCR Master Mix remains stable. Even after incubating GoTaq at extreme temperatures (96° C) for 90 minutes, Cq values remain unchanged. Other leading qPCR Master Mixes fail to amplify after 30 minutes of exposure to elevated temperatures.

Replaces SYBR
Set up for GoTaq is the same as SYBR Green l, utilizing the same cycling conditions, and detection channel. GoTaq qPCR Master Mix contains a low level of reference dye (CXR) that can be detected using the same filters and setting as those for ROX™. In addition, GoTaq qPCR Master Mix can be used with any real-time instrument capable of detecting SYBR Green I or FAM™ dye.

