New Proteins from AnaSpec to Enhance Neurodegenerative Disease Research

25 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

AnaSpec offers two recombinant proteins for use in Neurodegenerative Disease Research, α-synuclein (SNCA) and β-synuclein (SNCB). α-Synuclein (SNCA) and β-synuclein, along with γ-synuclein (SNCG), are members of the synuclein family of small proteins expressed primarily in neural tissue and in some tumors.

Both α-synuclein and β-synuclein are expressed and purified from E. coli. α-Synuclein is a 140-amino acid long recombinant protein (GenBank Accession # NP_000336) and β-synuclein is 134-amino acid long (GenBank Accession # NP_003076).

Synuclein proteins, found only in vertebrates, possess a highly conserved N-terminal domain, with a variable number of 11-residue repeats and a less conserved C-terminal, with a preponderance of acidic residues.1 α-Synuclein is used in Parkinson’s disease (PD) research, and β-synuclein has been shown to induce mild experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats. These proteins can be used in applications such as ELISA, western blots and microscopy imaging.

