New Purity Levels and Options for Tecan’s MCA96 Disposable Tips

1 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Tecan introduces ‘Tecan Pure’ and ‘Tecan Sterile’ purity levels for its MCA96 disposable tips. Tecan Pure tips are certified free of human DNA, RNase, DNase and PCR inhibitors, making them suitable for genomics research and forensics use.

Tecan Sterile disposable tips offer the same high purity standards, with the additional benefits of being sterile and free from pyrogens/endotoxins, and are ideally suited to cell biology, microbiology and cell-based studies. In addition, nested tips are now available in Tecan Sterile purity, to offer even higher throughput and increased walkaway time for these applications.

Wide bore tips are also now available for the MultiChannel Arm™ 96. The wider orifice of these tips decreases flow resistance and the risk of blockage, as well as minimizing shearing and fragmentation for delicate samples. These tips are available in both Tecan Pure and Tecan Sterile purity levels, and are ideal for applications such as pipetting of fragile cell suspensions or genomic DNA, handling of viscous fluids and transfer of suspensions containing bulky material.

