New Quick and Easy Antibody Labelling Kit

12 Jan 2017
Mia Harley

Innova Biosciences (Innova), a provider of bioconjugation products and services, has announced the launch of the Conjugate Check&Go! Kit, the company’s first lateral flow product specific to antibody labeling.

The aim of the kit is to allow scientists to confirm, in one easy step, whether an antibody has been successfully conjugated before moving on to more extensive testing in their assay application. The Conjugate Check&Go! Kit is compatible with conjugates generated using InnovaCoat® GOLD nanoparticle and Latex conjugation technologies, and Innova’s Lightning-Link® fluorescent dye labeling kits. The product will also work alongside any other conjugation technology that uses colored labels.

Nick Gee, CEO and CSO at Innova Biosciences, commented: “At Innova Biosciences we are proud of our outstanding track record in customer service and support. The new Conjugate Check&Go! Kit was developed in response to customer requests for a rapid test to demonstrate the successful attachment of colored particles, proteins and dyes to antibodies.”

