New Range of Multi-Pixel Photon Counters (MPPC) utilizing Through-Silicon via Electrodes Released by Hamamatsu

Multi-Pixel Photon Counters optimized for very low light-level detection

16 Aug 2016
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Hamamatsu Photonics introduce their new range of Multi-Pixel Photon Counters (MPPC); the new S13360-VE series. These new COB package type MPPCs incorporate through-hole electrodes called TSV (through-silicon via). This process optimizes the available space between the sensitive area and the package edge (0.2mm on the four sides), allowing for a four-sided buttable arrangement.

The VE series is available with photosensitive areas of 2 x 2mm, 3 x 3mm and 6 x 6mm, each with a 50 μm pixel pitch. Features include reduced crosstalk (compared to previous MPPCs) and crosstalk occurrences have been reduced from 44% to just 3%, while after pulsing affects are minimal. In addition, the dark count has been dramatically reduced, compared to previous detectors, to 0.5 Mcps.

The S13360-VE series is optimized for a variety of applications, particularly those involving very low light-level detection. Other example applications include high-energy particle detection and medical imaging.

