New Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification in Forensic Laboratories

17 Mar 2017
Mia Harley

Forensic scientists who want to modernize their laboratories now have access to the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification. Paired with the complementary analysis software and Thermo Fisher Scientific’s leading DNA chemistries, the complete solution is designed to meet evolving needs and help labs stay ahead of future technological advancements.

Today’s forensic space is undergoing a technological revolution that is driving lab instruments to become increasingly efficient, economical, interactive and future-proof. Technicians that perform their sample quantification step on older, larger and more complex qPCR systems can face costly and more frequent instrument maintenance, while also spending valuable time manually running standard curves during the quantification process.

The QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification is designed to deliver efficient performance with a smaller footprint and lower annual maintenance costs. It has been optimized for use with the new HID Real-Time PCR Analysis Software v1.3, which enables data analysis with a virtual standard curve feature to minimize variation and reduce costs associated with using standards on every plate. The software also includes quantification and short tandem repeat (STR) setup features, as well as data quality–review functionality that integrate and streamline quantification and STR analysis.

When combined with the Applied Biosystems Quantifiler HP and Quantifiler Trio DNA Quantification kits, the entire solution offers a validated workflow that enables forensic labs to simultaneously obtain a quantitative and qualitative assessment of human DNA in their casework samples to better determine downstream processing and successfully extract an STR profile.

“As technology continues to evolve, its remains critically important for laboratories to be well-positioned for the inevitable advancements in the future,” said Rosy Lee, vice president and general manager of human identification at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Our new validated and comprehensive solution for upstream casework analysis is designed to help our customers stay on the leading edge with the most advanced qPCR technology, while enabling cost savings and efficiencies that help meet their needs.”

