New Reference Cell Micro-plate Adaptor facilitates Reader Qualification

2 Sept 2008

To simplify the Operational Qualification of Micro-plate readers Starna has released a new Reference Cell Micro-plate Adaptor* (RCMA) that now enables laboratory professionals to use existing Starna sealed-cell and filter reference materials in a horizontal format.

The RCMA’s innovative design allows the location of eight ‘pairs’ of read positions, and minimises the potential for bubble interference adversely impacting measurements.

The new adaptor, which provides a method of validation in the UV region that has not previously been available, enables companies to extend their ‘NIST traceable’ and ISO 17025/ISO Guide 34 accredited Certified Reference Materials for use in a micro-plate format.

Starna’s new device is ideal for quality assurance requirements in pharmaceutical and clinical research applications where new drug compounds and candidates are being screened using automated systems.

Regulatory control requires the formal qualification of these systems using appropriate Certified Reference Materials. Using the RCMA, Starna now offers researchers the ability to use existing reference values, and compare micro-plate reader data against measurements performed on a conventional spectrophotometer.

All the Starna Certified Reference Material range is produced in an ISO 17025 and ISO Guide 34 accredited environment to meet the highest available regulatory standards. The CRM range is calibrated in Starna Scientific’s UKAS accredited laboratory.

* Patent Applied For

