New Service from Promega and MS Bioworks Offers Advanced Mass Spectrometry Services for Proteomics

2 Dec 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

A new service offered by Promega and MS Bioworks covers sample processing, high-quality analysis and transparent consulting from design to analysis. Now scientists can access protein mass spectrometry expertise and leading-edge instrumentation with fast turnaround times.

Promega and MS Bioworks established the mass spectrometry program featuring MS Bioworks' mastered knowledge of sample preparation, protein digestion, LC/MS/MS, data processing, reporting and pre- and post-data analysis consultation. With their optimized processes, MS Bioworks offers:

• Access to MS Bioworks scientific staff throughout the service
• Complex sample analysis (e.g., biofluids, tissues) and high sensitivity (e.g., 10,000 cells starting material)
• Research-focused service packages (e.g., Phospho-works, Glyco-works, etc.)
• Two-week lead time from sample preparation to analysis report
• Archiving data at no extra cost for easy access
• Simple online ordering 24/7, worldwide
Researchers can review mass spectrometry services, organize one-on-one consults and submit their orders online at: or

With over 40 years of combined experience in mass spectrometry, MS Bioworks scientists are extensively published in works such as Nature Cell Biology, EMBO and many ACS journals. Recent investments in new, cutting-edge instrumentation and data processing technologies enable MS Bioworks to manage complex analytical problems arising from the most sophisticated protein research. These capabilities allow both quantitative and qualitative analysis to be performed using techniques such as protein profiling, SILAC and iTRAQ with both CID and ETD fragmentation. Scientists can expect more sensitive protein identification and improved post-translational modification (PTM) characterization, critical to understanding protein function and control.

Promega has formed this exclusive alliance with MS Bioworks to continue building its core proteomics capabilities. "Combining mass spec sample preparation technologies, such as HaloTag® for protein complex isolation, with a high-quality, mass spec analysis program gives researchers access to the latest techniques," said Dr. Marjeta Urh, Director of Research for Biochemical and Cellular Technologies at Promega. "This program can provide new insight to help us understand complex questions both in protein research and in the development of even better supporting technologies."

These analytical services complement Promega sample preparation products including the industry standard, Trypsin Gold protease, commonly used for biomarker characterization.

