New Single Nucleus RNA-Seq Chip for DroNc-Seq

28 Aug 2017
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Dolomite has announced the launch of a new chip for DroNc-Seq, enabling high throughput single nucleus RNA-Seq using droplet microfluidics. The single nucleus RNA-Seq chip – based on the company’s established scRNA-Seq chip – is designed to produce smaller droplets, allowing straightforward, low cost profiling of thousands of nuclei.

DroNc-Seq is a novel single cell RNA-Seq methodology which uses isolated nuclei instead of whole cells. Nuclei can be quickly and easily isolated from frozen or lightly fixed tissues – including tissues which are difficult to isolate individual cells from. This avoids lengthy and stressful manipulation of live cells, which could perturb expression profiles. Remarkably, the transcriptomes acquired are very similar to those from whole cells, albeit with a lower total transcript capture rate and greater representation of nuclear RNA and pre-mRNA.

The single nucleus RNA-Seq chip – compatible with Dolomite Bio’s Single Cell RNA-Seq System – is ideal for nuclei encapsulation, and has been optimized for the generation of smaller diameter droplets than those used in standard scRNA-Seq protocols. The single nucleus RNA-Seq chip for DroNc-Seq is available now.

To learn more about RNA sequencing, visit our Next Generation Sequencing Special Feature.
