New SmartView Provides Reliable Semi-quantitative ICP-AES Analysis

6 Feb 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Why not make a fast semi-quantitative analysis to check the sample matrix or the concentration level of each element? The new SmartView software makes this quick analysis provide reliable results and saves time during method development.

SmartView uses multi-line analysis by ICP-AES. This software module developed by HORIBA Jobin Yvon uses all the information available in the emission spectrum and pre-defined calibration curves for the elements. In routine analysis, the nature of the sample varies. With wastewater analysis, for example, this often leads to background structure changes or spectral interferences. To reduce these variations, an Advanced Background Correction mode (ABC) is used. The rejection of outliers, by a simple calculation which does not need multiple acquisitions, is also applied.

SmartView with several lines per element, intelligent background correction and rejection of outliers, allows reliable and fast semi-quantitative analysis.

All ACTIVA family ICP-AES instruments can take full benefit of the improved performance and reliability beginning in January of 2009.

