New Socorex micropipette offer

28 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Socorex has launched an interesting offer with Acura® manual micro, macro and multichannel pipettes. Based on the motto "reliable tools for you" the campaign provides users high-quality instruments at a special discount rate, plus one free Swiss Army Knife.

Reliable tools are a must in modern laboratories. Therefore, the Acura®manual line has been designed with excellence in mind for the most demanding scientists. These micropipettes bring much more than superior performance, featuring a number of innovations such as exceptional user-friendly ergonomics, light weight, ultra-soft activation, unique calibration system, adjustable tip ejector and permanent volume visibility, making all operations safe and reliable.

Find more information about this offer and how to contact your Socorex distributor to order now visit the Article Webpage and enjoy the special conditions valid until July 2008. Please note, that the promotional offer is not available in all countries.

