New Standard in Accuracy for Next Generation Sequencing to Help Decipher the Genetic Code of Cancer

25 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Life Technologies has added an Exact Call Chemistry (ECC) proprietary probe to its market leading ligation chemistry, demonstrating greater than 99.99% average single-read accuracy. This high-accuracy data is essential for the detection of minor variants in heterogeneous samples, a critical area of importance in cancer research.

“Looking for minor variants in a disease such as cancer can be like looking for a needle in a haystack,” said Mark Stevenson, President and Chief Operating Officer of Life Technologies. “The unprecedented level of accuracy that we can now deliver with ECC makes the SOLiD™ System’s chemistry ideal for deciphering the ‘acquired’ genetic code of cancer and achieving whole genome ‘germline’ sequencing at lower coverage and cost.”

Life Technologies will present data supporting this groundbreaking achievement at its workshops at the upcoming meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG).

