New, state-of-the-art vision system central to Copley Scientific’s cascade impactor validation service

24 Jul 2007

The accuracy of cascade impactors used in the pharmaceutical industry for characterising inhaled products depends heavily on the size of the nozzles on each stage of the instrument. Using a new, state-of-the-art vision inspection system, Copley Scientific offers a stage mensuration service of unrivalled accuracy. Stage mensuration is a cost-effective process for validating cascade impactors that involves measuring each nozzle to assess wear and corrosion. Regular stage mensuration is recommended in both the US and European Pharmacopoeias for performance validation.

The system used by Copley Scientific is the new Mitutoyo QV404 automated vision inspection system. Also used in-house by major pharmaceutical companies, this instrument delivers unsurpassed reproducibility of 1 micron (to a 99% confidence interval). Copley Scientific is alone in Europe in offering a stage mensuration service based on this system.

The Mitutoyo QV404 has auto-focus, auto-backlight illumination and dual measurement capabilities - edge detection and illuminated pixels. The accuracy and reproducibility it delivers translates directly into improved confidence in effective diameter and in-use margin data, the parameters that indicate whether an impactor is fit-for-use. Use of this system, combined with clearly defined and validated procedures for cleaning, calibration and measurement, gives the Copley Scientific stage mensuration service exceptional integrity.

