New Stem Cell Production Facility Installs CompacT SelecT™ To Provide Rapid Delivery of Consistently High Quality Stem Cells

19 Mar 2007

The Automation Partnership (TAP), a world leading manufacturer of innovative industrial automation for life science applications, is delighted to announce that Stem Cell Sciences (SCS), a major supplier of stem cells world-wide, has installed a CompacT SelecT™, automated cell culture system at its new facility in Cambridge, UK.

The CompacT SelecT at SCS will be used to culture several different human and mouse stem cell lines to supply the world’s top pharmaceutical companies with the right quantity, as well as quality of cells in assay ready plates.

Compact SelecT is ideal for growing high quality stem cells because it can maintain cells in a consistent environment. The system’s rapid action and flexible robotic arm coupled with its powerful software ensures cells can be processed on demand, (re-fed every few hours if necessary), and left unattended - even at night or over weekends.

Julie Kerby, Business Unit Manager at SCS explained: “Stem cells are harder to grow than most cell lines so you have to reproduce their optimum growth conditions every time. We are confident the CompacT SelecT can do this because it is based on TAP’s SelecT cell culture system, which deservedly has the reputation of being the pharma industry’s gold standard for reliable automated cell culturing.”

Phil Offin, Cell Culture Product Manager at TAP added: “We are delighted to have such a major supplier of stem cells invest in a CompacT SelecT. SCS’s astute decision will ensure top pharmas (with a SelecT) now have the flexibility to either obtain SCS’s quality assured cells on time, in their preferred format, or since CompacT SelecT and SelecT share the same sophisticated technology, they can confidently in-licence the cells to grow in house, because transferring proven production protocols will be rapid and reliable.”

