New Stripping Buffers for Efficient Reprobing of Western Blots

12 Oct 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

LI-COR now offers two new products for stripping and reprobing of Western blots for qualitative analysis.

WesternSure™ ECL Stripping Buffer provides a high-quality solution to effectively strip both primary and secondary antibodies from Chemiluminescent Western Blots and is the latest addition to the WesternSure product family. It can be used with PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes.

NewBlot™ IR Stripping Buffer is a cost-effective formulation for stripping and reprobing near-infrared (NIR) Western blots. An addition to the existing NewBlot Stripping Buffers, NewBlot IR removes both primary and secondary antibodies and has lower shipping costs compared to the existing products. It is also suitable for use with both membrane types.

"Both WesternSure ECL and NewBlot IR Stripping Buffers maintain target antigen integrity for efficient reprobing of blots," says Shawn Mischnick, technical product manager at LI-COR Biosciences. "These high quality products will provide customers an effective and economical alternative to homemade stripping buffers."

