New Water Treatment Monitoring Software Unveiled

22 Dec 2016
Mia Harley

HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in fluorescence spectroscopy systems and solutions, is proud to announce it has developed new software for its award-winning Aqualog to facilitate monitoring and optimization of water treatment processes. Aqualog Datastream Dashboard was designed with our partner Eigenvector Research, Inc.

Aqualog Datastream Dashboard, which seamlessly integrates with Aqualog, facilitates completely automated analysis and reporting of a wide range of organic matter parameters that are critical for managing and optimizing the drinking water treatment process. The Datastream parameters have been selected to specifically target disinfection by-product issues, algal issues and other contamination components.

Water treatment facilities can also upload their independent data to simultaneously analyze pH, alkalinity, turbidity, Cl2 and other key parameters. The dashboard provides the latest readings, time series and tables for trend analysis, % removals, thresholds and MCLs (Maximum Contaminant Limits) for all parameters. The program also reports on fit statistics and residual evaluation for system performance monitoring, contamination detection and early warning alerts.

Aqualog Datastream Dashboard offers a convenient HTML-based interface, enabling access through internet or intranet. Its push-button operation simplifies the process of data analysis and simple administrator level controls for calibration and method development render it virtually fool proof.

“The Aqualog and Datastream Dashboard will pay for themselves very quickly, by saving many hours of time and labor costs for routine analyses of organic laboratory data,” said Adam Gilmore, Applications Scientist for the fluorescence division of HORIBA Scientific. “In addition, the rapid access to DOC, DPB and possible contamination event data further reduces operation expenses and costs of process chemicals.”

The Aqualog from HORIBA Scientific promises to the fastest and most sensitive optical analysis of organics in water. It is said to be the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices (EEMs), which are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments. The small footprint of the Aqualog enables it to be conveniently located in the organics lab or even remote locations for monitoring water treatment processes or sources, respectively.
