New Webinar on Oncology Applications of RAFT 3D Cell Culture

22 Oct 2013
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

TAP Biosystems, a leading supplier of innovative cell culture systems and consumables for life science applications, today announced that it will be running a new webinar on Wednesday November 6th, offering free access to scientific presentations on the benefits of using its innovative RAFT™ 3D collagen-based cell culture technology in oncology research.

Two 3D cell culture experts, Dr Marilena Loizidou, Senior Lecturer in Cancer Nanotechnology at UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science and Dr Grant Cameron, RAFT Development Director at TAP Biosystems will be presenting data on the RAFT 3D cell culture technology and how it can be utilised to improve results in a number of pre-clinical oncology research applications at two, live webinars on Wednesday November 6th at 11am GMT and 4pm GMT.

During the hour long webinars, Dr Loizidou will discuss how 3D cancer cultures are emerging as a more pathologically-relevant in vitro model than 2D cultures, and how they can be engineered using the RAFT collagen-based technology to mimic the tissue heterogeneity of in vivo solid tumours. Dr Loizidou will also present data on how RAFT generated 3D cancer models can be used for therapeutic investigations or developed as imaging phantoms.

Dr Cameron will discuss the use 3D collagen based cell cultures to produce dose response curves and to study cell signalling, target modulation and mitochondrial function with data comparisons between 2D cell culture techniques and RAFT generated 3D cell cultures. Dr Cameron will also provide a brief overview of additional application areas where 3D cell culture is adding value such as improving maturation of iPS hepatocytes over extended culture periods.

Dr Grant Cameron, TAP Biosystems’ RAFT Development Director explained: “There is an increasing demand for realistic 3D cell culture models in oncology research because working with a more physiologically relevant, reproducible cellular environment has the potential for reducing risk in oncology screening by improving translational results.”

Cameron added: “I am privileged to be hosting a webinar alongside such a well respected oncology expert as Dr Marilena Loizidou. It is a great opportunity for existing 3D cell culture advocates and researchers evaluating 3D cell culture to meet. We look forward to discussing the benefits of routinely incorporating the RAFT 3D cell culture process into oncology screening programmes with scientists that join us for these informative webinars on November 6th.”

