New Wide Diameter, Low Profile Confocal Imaging Chamber

29 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Warner Instruments has introduced the NEW RC-30WA closed bath, low profile chamber incorporating special features for Confocal Imaging.

This Chamber is adaptable to any major microscope, upright or inverted, and features a final viewing aperture of 25 mm. The chamber bottom is beveled to permit maximum access to the bottom coverslip.
For unique applications, customize the bath geometry, volume, and perfusion solution exchange rate by adjusting the wall height from 150 to 1,500 µm using Warner’s pre-cut silicone rubber gaskets.

The RC-30WA Confocal Imaging Chamber includes a pair of resistive heater elements mounted to the chamber base for use with Warner TC-324B and TC-344B Temperature Controllers.

