New XY Precision Linear Stage for Metrology and Microscopy Applications from PI miCos

20 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

The new PI miCos MCS XY precision linear stage was designed for industrial surface metrology / microscopy applications and combines robustness and high accuracy.

Two-Axis Positioner with High Resolution and Load Capacity
This two-axis positioning system can handle loads to 45 lbs and still provide resolution as high as 5 nanometers and repeatability of 0.2 µm thanks to its novel PIOne interferometric linear encoder. 1 nm resolution is feasible with reduced maximum speed.

For use in fields such as optical inspection of precision machined parts, material research and topographical measurements in semiconductor / flat-panel design, excellent straightness of motion and high dynamics are also important. A large clear aperture of 150x150mm is beneficial in transmitted light applications.

The robust stage provides 102 mm (4 inches) of positioning range in both axes and achieves ±2µm straightness/flatness of motion. Angular precision is also very good with yaw of only ±20 µrad and pitch of ±40 µrad.

Driven by the compact SMC Hydra motion controller from PI miCos, MCS stages achieve velocity ranges from as low as 1 µm/second all the up to 200 mm/sec (8 inches/second).

Motor Drive Options
Several motor and position feedback options are offered. For applications where closed-loop operation is not required, lower-cost open-loop stepper motors are offered. Several closed-loop versions are available for higher performance demands: stepper motors, DC servo motors and direct-drive electromagnetic noncontact linear motors.

The highest speed is available with the direct-drive linear motors. Extremely smooth motion, with constant velocity at the low end down to single digit microns/second is achieved with PI miCos stepper motors and PI miCos motion controllers.

The MCS XY precision positioning stage can be combined with linear vertical stages, rotational stages and goniometric cradles as well.

Vacuum Positioners
PI miCos specializes in vacuum compatible positioning systems from 10-3 to 10-10 Torr. Basically all of our linear and rotary stages can also be ordered for vacuum use.

