NewGene Ltd. to Provide NimbleGen Sequence Capture Services in the UK

30 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Roche NimbleGen announces that Newcastle-based genomic services provider NewGene Ltd. has officially become a Certified Service Provider (CSP) for NimbleGen Sequence Capture. They will provide services for NimbleGen Sequence Capture Arrays with sequencing on the Genome Sequencer FLX System from 454 Life Sciences, a Roche Company.

NewGene Ltd. has passed a comprehensive certification test plan to officially become a member of the Roche NimbleGen Certified Service Provider network. They will process customer gDNA samples for genomic enrichment, using the complete NimbleGen Sequence Capture Array workflow optimized for 454 GS FLX Titanium Series sequencing.

“NewGene is very excited to be entering into this collaboration with Roche NimbleGen as its UK-based certified service provider. The ability to couple NimbleGen Sequence Capture technology with our next generation sequencing capabilities will provide significant scientific, technical and economic benefits to our UK customers” said David Huntley, CEO at NewGene Ltd.

“Roche NimbleGen welcomes NewGene Ltd. as our first certified service provider in the United Kingdom. NewGene’s highly skilled professionals and use of the latest next generation sequencing technologies, including our Sequence Capture arrays, will make this powerful technique widely available to researchers throughout the UK " said Dr. Frank Pitzer, CEO of Roche NimbleGen, Inc.
