Next Automated NGS Library Preparation Method for the Eppendorf epMotion: TruSeq® Stranded mRNA
3 Sept 2014
Today Eppendorf announces the availability of the epMotion automation method for Illumina’s TruSeq Stranded mRNA library preparation kit for next-generation sequencing as “Illumina Qualified.” “Illumina Qualified” indicates that Illumina’s analysis of libraries prepared with this epMotion method has shown the libraries to perform comparably to those prepared manually.
For next generation sequencing systems a variety of sample preparation kits are available. These kits are needed to convert either DNA or RNA samples into sequencing ready libraries, a procedure that includes many steps and can be time consuming. RNA sequencing requires additional steps – either the depletion of unwanted ribosomal or the positive selection of mRNA from total RNA samples. Due to the complexity of the library construction methods, automation is regarded as highly useful.
The epMotion method can be used for the automated construction of 8, 16 or 24 libraries starting with 100 – 1000 ng of total RNA together with Illumina’s TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit. The overall hands-on time is less than 1.5 hours, while the total run time of the entire procedure is ~11.5 hours for 24 samples. Minimized hands-on time & high reproducibility with this automated method help to streamline and standardize the sequencing workflow.
Additional automated methods for NGS library preparation from Illumina are currently in development.