NEXTflex Bisulfite-Seq Kit for NGS Methylome Analysis Launched

13 Aug 2012
Tesni Perry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Today Bioo Scientific announced the launch of the NEXTflex™ Bisulfite-Seq Kit which is the first complete kit available designed to simplify library preparation of bisulfite treated DNA for down-stream high-throughput sequencing. Bisulfite-seq is an important method for studying DNA methylation and epigenetic gene regulation as it allows for an unbiased genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation generating a high-accuracy methylome.

NEXTflex™ Bisulfite-Seq Kit is designed to work with reduced representation or total bisulfite-converted DNA libraries and is compatible with single, paired-end and multiplexed DNA libraries on Illumina® MiSeq, GAIIx and HiSeq platforms. It includes Bioo Scientific’s proprietary “Enhanced Adapter Ligation Technology” which offers improved ligation efficiency than other commercially available solutions resulting in library preps with a larger number of unique sequencing reads. This kit also uses a completely gel-free protocol making the workflow compatible with liquid handler automation. For multiplexing, NEXTflex™ Bisulfite-Seq Barcodes can be purchased separately.

Bioo Scientific has also launched the NEXTflex™ Msp1 Restriction Enzyme, which unlike other commercially available Msp1 restriction enzymes, has been optimized for bisulfite sequencing.

According to Dr. Masoud Toloue, Director of Genomic Research at Bioo Scientific, “Short of direct sequencing of methylated cytosines, Bisulfite-Seq is currently the most sensitive and accurate method of elucidating epigenetic marks, the NEXTflex kit is designed to get you there.”

The NEXTflex™ Bisulfite-Seq Kit and Barcodes are the latest addition to Bioo Scientific’s line of innovative kits for next generation sequencing library preparation and, like our other library prep kits, the NEXTflex Bisulfite-Seq Kits are all available for next day delivery.
