Nikon Launches New Macro Laser Confocal Microscope to Enable Live Cell Confocal Imaging on a Large Scale

22 Jul 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Combining the groundbreaking AZ100 Multizoom and advanced C1 confocal microscope, Nikon has created the ultimate imaging platform for developmental biology, cell biology, stem cell and tissue research. For the first time, researchers can view large specimens in confocal mode enabling the capture of more information than ever before.

Designed for macro imaging, the AZ-C1 can not only capture fields of view of larger than 1cm, but also permits deeper confocal imaging than conventional microscopes thanks to its large working
distance objectives. Whole organisms can be monitored and documented over time (for example, embryos) offering a wealth of continuous information on development or the organism’s response to experimental variables.

Observations ranging from macro imaging of a whole organism to micro imaging of a single cell can be achieved with just one lens. Up to three separate objective lenses can be attached, offering a large optical zoom range to easily achieve high magnifications using stepwise or continuous zoom mode. The addition of a motorised stage further expands imaging possibilities by allowing image capture in multiple fields of view.

Offering exceptional flexibility, the C1 confocal system is expandable from easy-to-use personal point scanning systems to spectral point scanning systems which will separate closely associated fluorophores and auto fluorescence. The innovative AZ-C1 also offers many other features such as: an ergonomic tilting eyepiece tube, up to seven laser lines, fibre-coupled optics, modular system, telecentric zoom system, epi-illumination light path separated from the imaging path and is future-proofed to offer CLEM and other techniques.

