Non-contact Multilayer Film Thickness Measurement

28 Sept 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Lambda Photometrics have introduced the MProbe non-contact film thickness measurement system. Using proven spectroscopic analysis methods MProbe can accurately measure the thickness of translucent multi-layer film stacks. It can measure from 1nm to 1mm layer thickness depending on the system. As well as measuring thickness it can also measure refractive index and surface roughness.

A range of MProbe systems are available from UV to IR, satisfying all thickness range and resolution requirements. The fully featured TFCompanion control and analysis software package allows users to build layer stack models from an extensive materials library, as well as add customised materials. Stand-alone versions of TFCompanion software are also available for end-users and system integrators.

MProbe is an ideal solution for at-line, on-line and OEM scenarios as well as academic and industrial R&D. Typical applications include solar cell PV coatings, polymer films, semi-conductors, photoresists, thin oxide and nitride films, LCD and flat panel displays and optical.

The MProbe series is a complete thin film measurement system, using a fibre optic probe for spectroscopic reflection or transmittance measurements. This approach yields a very compact and low-cost system. Careful design of critical components and the measurement optimisation software algorithms result in a remarkably precise and robust instrument.

