Novel Approach for the Removal of Phospholipids from Biological Samples to Help Drug Discovery

13 Sept 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new OstroTM Sample Preparation Plate from Waters Corporation represents a novel approach for the removal of phospholipids from biological samples, removing up to 30 times more phospholipids compared to other methods.

Phospholipids have been cited as a major cause of matrix effects in the LC/MS analysis of biological samples. Ostro, with its proprietary, patent-pending design, was specifically created to overcome this hurdle by offering a 'best-in-class' solution that removes multiple families of phospholipids.

The Ostro 96-well plate format utilizes in-well protein precipitation with a single, rapid, pass-through method that provides a quick, reliable, and reproducible solution.

"We are excited and proud to introduce Ostro as an extension of our comprehensive family of 96-well sample preparation plates", comments Dr. Diane Diehl, Director, Sample Preparation, Waters Division.

