Novel Gold Nanoparticles from Agar Scientific

17 Aug 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Agar Scientific is pleased to announce that British Biocell International’s new range of novel gold nanoparticles is available for order.

This range of products has been especially commissioned for BBInternational from Professor Mathias Brust of one of the UK’s leading nanoparticle discovery centres based at Liverpool University.

The range includes EM.PEG particles, mercaptyalkyl-PEG gold nanoparticles, 2-5nm, which are stable under extreme conditions of salinity and pH and do not aggregate after cellular uptake. The particles have been designed specifically for bionanotechnology applications. The particles are uncharged water soluble particles of extreme stability and may be supplied with functional groups in the ligand shell for bio-conjugations.

EM.NGNT are naked gold nanoparticles supplied in toluene solution with a size range of 4-7nm. They have been stabilised by relatively loose adsorption (thus 'naked') of tertaoctylammonium bromide. The particles are used in research with particular relevance for gas sensor technology or decorative coatings. The particles are reactive and can be used for applications such as the assembly of thin films on thiol or amine surfaces.

The EM-TCGN nanoparticles are thiol-capped gold nanoparticles, 2-5nm, supplied in solution in an organic solvent. They are used in research with particular relevance for gas sensor technology or decorative coatings.

