Novozymes Biopharma and Millipore Launch First Animal-Free Product from Strategic Alliance

1 Apr 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Novozymes Biopharma and Millipore Corporation launched the first product from their alliance to supply animal-free cell culture supplements for bioprocessing. CellPrimeTM rTransferrin AF is the first animal-free alternative to serum-derived human or bovine transferrin for industrial cell culture and upstream biopharmaceutical applications.

CellPrime™ is a range of animal-free cell culture supplements that enable customers to utilize defined, animal-free supplements in their biopharmaceutical production processes. The new rTransferrin AF offers superior benefits over current plasma-derived alternatives, including facilitating effective iron uptake into cells for optimal cell culture and is now commercially available in scalable manufacturing quantities.

“We are pleased with the launch of our first commercial product and with the tremendous progress we have made in the first year of the alliance,” said Caspar Foghsgaard, Senior Manager, Novozymes Biopharma. “Both Novozymes and Millipore share a vision for providing biopharmaceutical manufacturers with a broad range animal-free supplements for industrial cell culture applications. The launch of animal-free transferrin for industrial scale production represents the first step toward that shared vision.”

CellPrimeTM rTransferrin AF is designed to reduce risk and ease regulatory concerns for biopharmaceutical manufacturers. It also improves the consistency of batch quality and productivity of customers’ industrial cell culture processes. Manufactured in FDA-inspected facilities to cGMP standards, CellPrime™ rTransferrin AF is suitable for both research and commercial scale mammalian cell culture. Samples of the animal-free supplement are available from Millipore.

“The expansion of our animal-free cell culture supplements offering is a critical part of our Bioprocess Division’s long-term strategy,” said Andrew Bulpin, Vice President of Millipore’s Upstream Bioprocessing Business Unit. “By working with an industry leader like Novozymes, we can complement our applications expertise to bring new, innovative products to the market that improve productivity and reduce the risk to our customers.”

Building on Millipore Corporation’s and Novozymes Biopharma’s strong positions in the biopharmaceutical market, this new product will be manufactured by Novozymes Biopharma and sold exclusively through Millipore’s sales organisation. The strength and expertise of both alliance partners assures the reliable long-term supply of these regulatory compliant supplements.

For further information on CellPrimeTM rTransferrin AF, please follow the company article webpage link on the right hand side of the scrren.

