Novus Biologicals Announces New USP22 Antibody made using SDIX's Genomic Antibody Technology™

23 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Novus Biologicals announced today a new USP22 antibody for the study of ubiquitin-dependent metabolic pathways. This USP 22 antibody was made using SDIX's Genomic Antibody Technology™ (GAT™).

Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) comprise a large group of proteases that cleave ubiquitin from proteins to regulate ubiquitin-dependent metabolic pathways. DUB proteins are responsible for ubiquitin recycling, ubiquitin precursor processing, protein ubiquitination proofreading, and inhibitory ubiquitin chain disassembly. Also known as deubiquitinating peptidases, deubiquitinating isopeptidases, deubiquitinases, ubiquitin proteases, ubiquitin hydrolyases or ubiquitin isopeptidases, DUBs can act as both positive and negative regulators of the ubiquitin system. Please visit our website for a complete list of all our ubiquitin proteasome pathway related products.

Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 22 (USP-22) is the DUB component of the transcription regulatory histone acetylation complex SAGA, which coactivates histones H2A and H2B by catalyzing their deubiquitination. Novus has recently released a new USP22 Antibody (NBP1-49644) for use in WB on human and mouse samples. USP-22 is also thought to be required for transcription, nuclear receptor-mediated transactivation and cell cycle progression, so the USP22 antibodies will serve as important tools for new research in a diverse set of areas.

GAT uses sophisticated bioinformatics and immunization strategies to produce high-quality antibodies that specifically bind to that region of the protein in its naturally folded form. The ability of any antibody to recognize a protein’s naturally folded state has the potential to expand an antibody’s utility to high-value applications like sandwich immunoassay, ChIP, and flow cytometry. Learn more about GAT by reading the GAT FAQ or by downloading the GAT White Paper.

