Now You Can Run PCR Directly from Whole Blood

22 Apr 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Now it is possible to perform PCR directly from whole blood samples with the new KAPA Biosystems’ Blood PCR Kits, available in the UK and Ireland from Anachem Ltd. For the first time ever, you can perform direct amplification from fresh or frozen whole blood, blood collected in EDTA tubes or on FTA® Elute Cards, “Guthrie cards” or filter paper.

KAPA Blood PCR Kits reduce contamination risk, turnaround time and costs of genetic testing. They are compatible with existing workflows, standard protocols and routinely used detection methods.

The kits contain KAPA Blood DNA Polymerase, a second-generation enzyme derived through a process of molecular evolution and the first DNA polymerase engineered specifically for the amplification of DNA directly from whole blood. This powerful enzyme eliminates the need for DNA extraction in genetic testing protocols for humans, other mammals and birds, as it withstands the presence of multiple PCR inhibitors, that usually affect wild type polymerases.

The enzyme is available in two optimized, easy-to-use 2x PCR mixes, which contain all components required for Whole Blood PCR, except primers and template (blood). Using KAPA Blood PCR Kits, DNA fragments may be amplified directly from reactions containing 1 - 20% (v/v) whole human blood without pretreatment of blood samples or DNA isolation.

KAPA Blood PCR Mix A is preferred for assays employing highly sensitive fluorescent detection systems. KAPA Blood Mix B is formulated for higher yields and GC-rich amplicons and is recommended when analysis is by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. Products generated with KAPA Blood PCR Mixes A or B may be analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion, DNA sequencing or dHPLC analysis.
