NucleoBond<sup>®</sup> Xtra - the faster anion-exchanger now available for purification of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA

17 Jul 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Based on the innovative NucleoBond® Xtra product line MACHEREY-NAGEL has developed the endo-free version for ultra-fast plasmid preps with higher yields of endotoxin-free DNA: NucleoBond® Xtra EF.

High-speed lysate filtration and increased column flow rates lead to up to 68% reduced prep times. Improved binding capacity of the columns and optimized buffer compositions lead to 100% increased yields compared to other commercially available kits for endotoxin-free plasmid purification. NucleoBond® Xtra EF is available in Midi (> 250 µg DNA) and Maxi (> 1000 µg DNA) format. The ultra-fast Plus versions include NucleoBond® Finalizers, a desalting tool for speeding-up final DNA precipitation.

DNA with less than 0.05 EU/µg allows transfection of even highly sensitive cell lines (e.g. primary neurons).

