Nutrient Analysis Saving Time, Space & Money

15 Apr 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

SEAL Analytical has launched the 'AQ1' discrete analyzer which automatically tests multiple samples in discrete reaction vessels and is ideal for laboratories with moderate workloads requiring varied tests on different samples and for those that need fast individual results.

The AQ1 is supplied with standard methods to USEPA, ASTM, ISO and other internationally recognized standards for the analysis of a wide variety of parameters including alkalinity, ammonia, chloride, cyanides, nitrate/nitrite, nitrite, phenolics, ortho phosphate, total phosphorus, silicate, sulfate and total Kjeldahl nitrogen.

With unattended operation including the ability to run overnight, the AQ1 has all the advantages of discrete analysis – automatic standard preparation, automatic dilution, automatic method changeover, and low reagent consumption.

Interchangeable 60 or 78 position sample trays improve flexibility and with easy-to-use software, users are able to schedule tests (up to 60 per hour) and specify QC types, limits and corrective actions upon a QC failure. It is also possible to add further samples after a test run has begun. Highly accurate colorimetric analysis is achieved with 100% optical glass no-flow cuvettes and the maximum consumption of combined reagents and sample is 500 – 600 µL per test.

The reaction times are user programmable from seconds to minutes and all methods have been optimized to ensure that the chemical reaction is brought to full completion and steady state, which maximizes sensitivity and emulates both the Manual and the Segmented Flow Methods. Once the absorbance is read, the cuvette is thoroughly cleaned, eliminating any carry over or cross contamination.

The AQ1 was designed specifically for the automated analysis of nutrients in water, wastewater, soils, extracts and digests. However, SEAL's Stuart Smith says "The instrument is extremely flexible and reflects our intention to deliver analytical technology that meets every customer's individual needs."

