Nuve Benchtop Autoclaves for Versatility from Progen Scientific

6 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Progen Scientific Limited has recently expanded their range of products with the inclusion of Nuve Benchtop Autoclaves. These small benchtop steam sterilisers are proving their versatility with Progen Scientific customers old and new with their numerous uses including sterilisation of the products used for medical purposes, dentistry, personal hygiene, beauty care and also veterinary practices.

EN 13060 European Standard for small steam sterilisers (less than 50 litre) defines the general requirements for small steam sterilisers and test methods for specified steriliser loads. The sterilisation of the loads is classified in 3 classes of cycles: B. N and S. Nuve, a key supplier to Progen Scientific has vast experience in the manufacturing of steam sterilisers and has created 7 new steam sterilisers which totally satisfy all requirements of EN 13060 for B and S style sterilisation cycles and offer technical advantages in a number of areas including

  • STERILISATION LOADS - Three different models can sterilise different types of loads and could be chosen according to the needs.
  • VACUUM SYSTEM - Because of the types of the loads which will be sterilised in B and VS series, the vacuum has a great importance. For correct sterilisation, air bubbles should be eliminated in all types of materials and steam should reach every point on and inside of the materials. In OT 18B / 23B and OT 18VS / 23VS / 32VS models a fractionated pre-vacuum system is used for the safe and correct sterilisation. The vacuum process is carried out by a vacuum pump which is specially designed for steam.
  • CHAMBER - The chamber is made of stainless steel and is seamless for 18 and 23 litre models. The shelf carrier in the chamber is reversible and standard shelves or sterilisation cassettes can be used,
  • CONTROL SYSTEM - To be able to conform to the requirements of EN 13060, all new benchtop steam sterilisers are equipped with an advanced microprocessor system with 128 x 64 pixel display.
  • PROGRAMMES - There are pre-set programmes which guarantee safe sterilisation of the treated materials.
  • TEST PROGRAMMES - There are two test programmes for B and VS Series:
    o OT 18B / 23B Vacuum test Bowie & Dick / Helix Test
    o OT 18VS / 23VS / 32VS Vacuum test, Bowie & Dick. There is also a test reminder to warn the user to repeat the tests periodically.

In addition the Nuve range holds details of the last 52 cycles which are kept in the memory and classified as all cycles, completed cycles, alarm cycles, stopped cycles and printed cycles. There is also a test cycle counter to keep the number of the operational cycles in the memory.

Cleaning and maintenance is easily managed; for periodical cleaning, the user is warned to clean the chamber, lid and gasket and to empty the tanks and for general maintenance, the user is warned to replace the bacteriological filter and gasket.

Finally the range comes complete with various installation settings and can be connected to a PC and printer.

