
Obtain Accurate Viscosity Measurements

11 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

RheoSense Inc. has introduced the new Precisely Micro-Fabricated VROC™. This "Viscometer/Rheometer-on-a-Chip" technology, enables microliter size samples to be used for high resolution, accurate and repeatable viscosity measurement.

The small chip geometry extends viscosity measurements beyond conventional instrumentation limits into the realm of very high shear rates.

Although many industry processes involve very high shear flow, the viscosity of liquids is typically not measured at the shear rates experienced in these processes. This is due to limitations in conventional instrumentation.

The VROC™ changes the measurement landscape allowing viscosity characterization at the conditions occurring in actual applications.
Inkjet printers, for example, subject ink to shear rates in the range of 100,000 to 1,000,000 reciprocal seconds (1/s). The VROC™ family’s type ‘C’ chip demonstrates viscosity measurements at greater than 250,000 (1/s).

Such a powerful chip is packaged in a small form factor allowing testing and cleaning in just minutes. Viscosity measurements are faster and easier than ever with the VROC™.

RheoSense is pleased to work with equipment manufacturers and OEM's to develop custom applications utilizing VROC technology in Viscometry/Rheometry.

